Giving Up

This is a direct follow up to the Making Mistakes post and a continuation of my personal story. PHP->end(); So I was indeed making some money off my PHP skills at the age of 16, that probably lasted until the age of 17/18. I made the mistake of getting back into World of Warcraft, the ever lasting…

How to Learn Fast

Learning is the most useful skill you’ll ever posses in the developer world, new frameworks and technologies pop up like weeds, and you will have to learn fast in order to keep up with demand. Learning is something you don’t ‘learn’ in schools, so being self taught is a benefit on this matter. And one other…

So last Tuesday I went to my first event. It was slightly awkward going on my own, as I don’t know anybody else that’s into development really. There were some talks about React Native which I really wanted to see, as I’m learning React at the moment. React Native looks like a good step forward…

The MERN Stack

So I decided to go for Node.JS as my primary learning path. Not only Node, but specifically the MERN stack. So MongoDb, Express, React and Node. Now I haven’t started with React yet so I’m not sure a 100% about the big React VS Angular option, but I’ll figure it out as I go. That’s…

Making Mistakes

It all started with a healthy bunch of mistakes, those mistakes are the starting point of where I am today. Do I regret these mistakes ? Off course not, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t make them in the first place, I really don’t see them as mistakes anyway. Everybody makes mistakes, and our…